
Maintain and repair your watch



时间:2021-04-05 14:06:27


  本杰明·杜特勒斯是杰出的运动员、环保主义者和名副其实的雅典表代言人。他所在的基金会Water Family旨在用体育运动宣传环保理念,向儿童普及水对环境和健康的重要性。Water Family亦会向儿童教授保护地球的途径:了解水的天然循环并采用环保措施保护这一珍贵资源。

  Benjamin dutles is an outstanding athlete,an environmentalist and a true spokesman for Athens.His foundation,water family,aims to use sports to promote the concept of environmental protection and to educate children about the importance of water to the environment and health.Water family will also teach children how to protect the earth:understand the natural cycle of water and adopt environmental protection measures to protect this precious resource.


  本杰明于1990年出生在法国北部的阿斯克新城,他曾搭乘祖父的小船在旺代省度过了许多夏天。15岁时,他进入莱萨布勒-多洛讷的一所寄宿学校学习,踏上进击Vendée Globe全球帆船赛之旅,从此义无反顾。本杰明先和弟弟合伙创立了一家船舶翻新公司,随后在2018年费加罗单人帆船赛中取得了第五名的成绩,跻身一流单人帆船赛手的行列。

  Born in 1990 in the new town of ASCO in northern France,Benjamin spent many summers in the province of Vandale in his grandfather's boat.At the age of 15,he entered a boarding school in lessable dolonne and embarked on a journey to the vendée globe,never turning back.Benjamin and his younger brother founded a ship renovation company in partnership,and then ranked fifth in the Figaro solo race in 2018,ranking among the first-class single sailor.

  本杰明将于2020年11月8日参加Vendée Globe全球帆船赛,搭乘OMIA–Water Family帆船扬帆起航,开启迄今为止最勇敢的旅途。

  On November 8,2020,Benjamin will take part in the vendée globe global sailing race,set sail on omia–water family,and embark on his bravest journey so far.

  Benjamin Dutreux

  Benjamin Dutreux

  阿莱克西亚·巴里尔(Alexia Barrier)

  Alexia barrier

  Alexia Barrier

  Alexia Barrier


  Alexia barrier was born on the blue coast of southern France in 1979.When he was 3 years old,he was accompanied by his parents and had an indissoluble bond with sailing.She became a sailing teacher at the age of 15.At the age of 20,she has completed a total of 120000 nautical miles and participated in 15 transatlantic competitions,including five single challenge competitions.In 2009,she founded 4my planet,becoming the first woman to challenge a single person to circumnavigate the earth and collect data on the surface of the ocean.Her journey has attracted the attention of more than 10000 children from France,South Africa and New York on the Internet.


  2014年,她在Transat AG2R La Mondiale跨大西洋帆船赛获得季军,2017年,在Normandy Channel Race诺曼底海峡帆船赛位列第三,并在Route du Rhum朗姆之路单人帆船赛赛事获得第15名。作为为数不多的雅典表女性,巴里尔在2020年顺利入围Vendée Globe全球帆船赛,届时她将驾驶60英尺长的Imoca级帆船Alexia Barrier出海。这艘传奇帆船建造于1998年,已经完成了6次环球航行。

  In 2014,she won the third place in Transat ag2r La mondiale transatlantic sailing race.In 2017,she ranked third in Normandy channel race and 15th in route Du Rhum road solo sailing race.As one of the few women in Athens,barrier will successfully enter the vendée globe in 2020,when she will sail the 60 foot long imoca class sailboat alexia barrier.Built in 1998,this legendary yacht has completed six round the world voyages.

  Ben Lecomte

  Ben Lecomte

  2019年,法国长距离游泳健将Ben Lecomte在80天内游泳横渡太平洋垃圾带,泳程超过330海里,成为了完成这一壮举的第一人,于此同时创造了一项新的世界纪录,并被收录于2020年吉尼斯世界纪录大全。全程,他都由一艘名为“I Am Ocrean(我是海洋)”号的护送船陪同,船上载着一支公民科学家团队,负责沿途采集数据和样本。Lecomte此行的目的是分析在太平洋垃圾带中漂浮的塑料数量和类型,以及太平洋垃圾带对附近海域的生态系统的影响。

  In 2019,French long-distance swimmer Ben Lecomte swam across the Pacific Garbage belt in 80 days,swimming more than 330 nautical miles,becoming the first person to complete this feat.At the same time,he set a new world record and was included in the Guinness Book of world records in 2020.He was accompanied by an escort ship,I am ocrean,carrying a team of citizen scientists to collect data and samples along the way.The purpose of Lecomte's trip is to analyze the amount and types of plastics floating in the Pacific Garbage belt,and the impact of the Pacific Garbage belt on the ecosystem of nearby waters.

  2018年,Ben Lecomte就曾尝试游泳横渡太平洋。他从日本东京出发,计划在大洋彼岸的美国旧金山登陆,以此呼吁人们关注每况愈下的海洋环境,并为与他合作的科学团队采集有价值的数据和关键指标样本。这一充满尤利西斯精神的冒险之旅被全程记录在系列短片《The Swim》(环游)中。Ben Lecomte每天在水中游8个小时,经历了一系列类似于宇航员在太空中的身体反应。借助这一难得的机会,科学家们对他身体的细微变化持续进行实时监测,研究这项极为考验心血管耐受力的运动会如何影响人体的相貌,这为我们了解人体长期处在零重力环境中所受的影响提供了宝贵的信息。Lecomte在他横渡太平洋时曾穿越约1.8万亿片塑料,他和团队还记录了鲸鱼和海豚在海底发出的声音,总时长达3000个小时,旨在研究如何消除人类“声音污染”对海洋生物的影响。

  In 2018,Ben Lecomte tried to swim across the Pacific.Starting from Tokyo,Japan,he plans to land in San Francisco,the United States,on the other side of the ocean,in order to appeal to people to pay attention to the deteriorating marine environment,and collect valuable data and key index samples for his scientific team.This adventure full of Ulysses spirit is recorded in the short film series the swim.Ben Lecomte swam in the water for eight hours a day and experienced a series of physical reactions similar to those of an astronaut in space.With the help of this rare opportunity,scientists continuously monitor the subtle changes of his body in real time,and study how this exercise,which is a great test of cardiovascular tolerance,will affect the appearance of the human body,which provides valuable information for us to understand the impact of long-term zero gravity environment on the human body.Lecomte crossed about 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic when he crossed the Pacific Ocean.He and his team also recorded the sounds of whales and dolphins on the bottom of the sea for 3000 hours to study how to eliminate the impact of human"sound pollution"on marine life.


  Fred Buyle

  Fred Buyle

  在过去的三十年间,作为水底探险家,Fred Buyle大部分时间都潜入深海,仅用相机和可见光,在屏住一口气的时间内来捕捉海洋身处的光影。

  For the past three decades,as an underwater explorer,Fred buyle spent most of his time diving into the deep sea,using only cameras and visible light to capture the light and shadow of the ocean while holding his breath.

  阳光、水、空气。Fred Buyle正使用水底摄影来改变我们看待海洋的方式。得益于他大胆的探险精神,我们可以从鲸鱼的角度欣赏南极的冰山、和鲨鱼同游、以及从水下60米处透过海水仰望耀眼的阳光。

  Sunshine,water,air.Fred buyle is using underwater photography to change the way we look at the ocean.Thanks to his bold spirit of exploration,we can enjoy the Antarctic icebergs from the perspective of whales,swim with sharks,and look up to the dazzling sunshine from the sea 60 meters below.


  Without destroying the fragile marine ecological environment,buyle uses his artistic background to capture the rare creatures in the film for biologists to mark.He was able to take a deep breath with a camera and go deep into the 60 meter deep sea to take photos with natural light and free diving technology.Born in Belgium,buyle is good at capturing images of sharks in their natural habitats and diving freely with such iconic species as hammerhead shark,tiger head shark and even great white shark without any protective cover.

  Carsten Peter

  Carsten Peter




  Carsten Peter为美国《国家地理》杂志定期撰稿,曾获得世界新闻摄影大奖。他也是一位屡次深入绝境的探险家:在勃朗峰的冰川中进行水肺潜水,骑骆驼穿越撒哈拉沙漠,在婆罗洲洞穴探险。他总是身处险境,与相机为伴,寻找大自然中仍然纯净的地方,而能否在登山、滑翔伞、探洞、潜水和峡谷探险中生存下来,将取决于他的才智和专业技能。

  Carsten Peter is a regular contributor to National Geographic magazine and has won the World News Photography Award.He is also an explorer who has repeatedly gone into desperate situations:scuba diving in the glaciers of Mont Blanc,camel crossing the Sahara desert,and exploring caves in Borneo.He is always in danger,with the camera as his companion,looking for the pure place in nature.Whether he can survive in mountaineering,paragliding,cave exploration,diving and Canyon exploration will depend on his intelligence and professional skills.


  Carsten's footprints cover the most dangerous places in the world,and he is keen to use innovative photography technology to capture images never seen before.He has made countless expeditions.He has gone deep into poison filled caves and acid waterfalls,photographed in the deepest ice caves on the earth,dropped to live fire mountains with ropes,and stormed hot lava lakes and hot geothermal caves.He also broke the record of sea pull when driving a mobile paraglider.

  Carsten因报道美国西部的龙卷风而获得世界新闻大奖(World Press award)。此外,他的一幅南太平洋活火山摄像作品还获得了艾美奖。他是摄影师、电影制作人、生物学家、探险家,更是雅典表精神的化身,唤起每个人内心对探险征程的渴望,踏上属于自己的奥德赛。

  Carsten won the world press Award for his coverage of tornadoes in the western United States.In addition,he won an Emmy Award for his South Pacific volcano photography.He is a photographer,filmmaker,biologist,explorer,and the embodiment of Athens spirit.He arouses everyone's inner desire for adventure and sets foot on his own Odyssey.

  Sebastian Copeland

  Sebastian Copeland

  Sebastian Copeland是一位摄影师,致力于使用自己的艺术作品来传达迫切且重要的全球性课题。作为瑞士高级制表品牌雅典表的品牌挚友,自2019年11月起,他与其他几位富有自由探索精神的潜水员和女性共同加入了雅典表探险家的行列——“现代尤利西斯”舰队,该团队的其他成员还包括:Fred Buyle、Alex Caizergues、Mathieu Crepel、Sebastien Destremau、Ben Thouard、Alessia Zecchini。Sebastian Copeland是一位全球知名作家,其作品既可为现代探险家提供参考,亦可满足人们对极端气候的好奇心,帮助他们了解地球上寒冷干燥、狂风肆虐、荒无人烟的大陆。在2011-2012年南极百年探险大赛中,Sebastian Copeland携手搭档Eric McNair-Landry,亲眼目睹了这一奇迹之地。在历时82天、逾4100公里的极地探险中,他乘雪撬首次沿东西向、通过两个极点穿越南极洲,创造了三项世界纪录。Sebastian Copeland计划在2021年进行一次穿越北冰洋的全新探险之旅。

  Sebastian Copeland is a photographer dedicated to using his works of art to convey urgent and important global issues.As a brand friend of Athens watch,a top Swiss watch making brand,he has joined the modern Ulysses fleet with other divers and women with free exploration spirit since November 2019.Other members of the team include Fred buyle,Alex caizergues,Mathieu crepel,Sebastien destremau,Ben thouard and Alessia Zecchini。Sebastian Copeland is a world-famous writer.His works can not only provide reference for modern explorers,but also satisfy people's curiosity about extreme climate,and help them understand the cold,dry,windy and uninhabited continent on earth.Sebastian Copeland,together with Eric McNair Landry,witnessed this miracle in the 2011-2012 Centennial Antarctic exploration competition.During the 82 day expedition,which lasted more than 4100 km,he first crossed Antarctica,Vietnam,along the east-west direction and through two poles by sledge,setting three world records.Sebastian Copeland plans a new expedition across the Arctic Ocean in 2021.

  Sebastian Copeland

  Sebastian Copeland

  Alessia Zecchini 1992年出生于罗马,13岁时开始学习自由潜水。16岁时,她在蓝海屏息社团(Apnea Blu Mare Society)上了第一门正式的自由潜水课程,但根据法律规定,她必须等到18岁才能正式参加比赛。

  Alessia Zecchini was born in Rome in 1992 and began to learn free diving at the age of 13.At the age of 16,she took her first formal free diving course at the apnea Blu mare society,but by law she had to wait until she was 18 to compete.


  Alessia Zecchini

  Alessia Zecchini

  Alessia Zecchini是目前CWA恒重自由潜水(下潜深度113米,新一代自由潜水女皇)和CMAS动态屏气(深度250米)的世界纪录保持者。她获得了16枚世锦赛金牌,并且在几乎所有自由潜水项目中保持了多达25项世界纪录。佩戴着她的护身符雅典表美人魚潜水表,当代尤利西斯Alessia Zecchini潜入海浪之下,尽情探索海洋的奇迹。

  Alessia Zecchini is the current world record holder of CWA constant weight free diving(113m depth,new generation of Free Diving Queen)and CMAS dynamic breath hold(250m depth).She won 16 gold medals in the world championships and held up to 25 world records in almost all free diving events.Wearing her talisman,Athens watch and Mermaid diving watch,contemporary Ulysses Alessia Zecchini dived into the waves to explore the wonders of the ocean.

  Mathieu Crépel

  Mathieu Crépel

  世界单板滑雪比赛冠军,法国运动员Mathieu Crépel在他15岁时曾被邀请参加“北极挑战赛”(the Arctic Challenge,单板滑雪运动爱好者自发组织的单板滑雪比赛)。之后Mathieu Crépel在“水晶球”比赛(the Crystal Globe competition)中获胜,成为首位获得半管赛世界冠军头衔的法国人。在2007年于瑞士阿罗萨举办的世界锦标赛上,他是第一位完成反脚背转动作的选手,成为单板滑雪运动史上独一无二的运动员。Mathieu Crépel还曾代表法国队参加2006年冬季奥运会。他同时是一位冲浪爱好者,熟知大自然、水循环和季节更替,如今冲浪和单板滑雪运动对他来说同等重要,他的日常生活就在高山与大海,雪花与浪花之间游走。

  Mathieu Crépel,the world champion of snowboarding,was invited to participate in the Arctic challenge when he was 15 years old.Mathieu Crépel later won the crystal globe competition,becoming the first Frenchman to win the half pipe world championship.At the 2007 World Championships held in Arosa,Switzerland,he was the first to complete the reverse instep turn,becoming the unique snowboarder in the history of snowboarding.Mathieu Crépel also represented France in the 2006 Winter Olympics.At the same time,he is a surfer,familiar with nature,water cycle and seasonal change.Now surfing and snowboarding are equally important to him.His daily life is between mountains and sea,snow and waves.


  Mathieu Crepel

  Mathieu Crepel

  Sebastien Destremau是法裔澳籍船长、航海家,1998年悉尼至霍巴特帆船比赛获胜者,有人认为该项赛事是世界上难度最大的帆船比赛。2016年,Sebastien Destremau决定尝试一项难度更大的挑战—法国旺底(帆迪)不靠岸单人环球航海赛(the Vendée Globe),这是全球单人赛中最令人心生畏惧的终极挑战。然而,Sebastien Destremau攻克了重重技术难关,在食物短缺、船身破裂的情况下,最终实现了目标,历时124天,在莱萨布勒多洛讷(Sables d’Olonne)越过终点线,成为一位凯旋而归的英雄。Sebastien Destremau曾代表法国队获得五次奥运会冠军。

  Sebastien destremau is a French Australian captain and navigator.He won the Sydney Hobart sailing race in 1998.Some people think that the race is the most difficult sailing race in the world.In 2016,Sebastien destremau decided to try a more difficult challenge,the vendée globe,which is the most daunting ultimate challenge in the global single race.However,Sebastien destremau overcame many technical difficulties.In the case of food shortage and hull rupture,he finally achieved his goal.After 124 days,he crossed the finish line in sables D'Olonne and became a triumphant hero.Sebastien destremau has won five Olympic titles for France.




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